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Thanksgiving day

Is a traditional celebration in E.E.U.U. and falls on the fourth Thursday of November, a different date every year. It`s a special celebration where the family group together. The origin of this celebration is related with a english inmigrants called “pilgrims” that came to America in 1620 on a ship, “Mayflower”, and they arrived to Plymouth Rock, coast of Massachusetts, in December 11th . They went out from England because they had begun to question the belief of the church of England and they wanted to separate to it.

Their first winter in America was horrible, 46 of 102 passengers that arrived, died. Only the help that the 91 indians gave to them made posible their subsistence. Because of it the “Pilgrims” make in the next harvest a celebration to thank for thier help. This celebration converted in a tradition.

Familiar dinner

The traditional dish is a big roast turkey stuffing with maize bread. It comes with cranberry sauce and culin vegetables like green bean casserole, sweet potato and mashed potatoes with a sauce made with a turkey juice. Also is prepare pumpkin pie and apple pie.

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1 comentario:

Miss dijo...

I think your previous writings were a bit better...
There are some things such as "EEUU" means Estados Unidos. Dont forget the "It" as subject when you dont need to refer to anything in particular. Nationalities must always be written in capital letters. Finally dont forget to include some connectors. With these you have cohesion in texts and they help your reader to follow your ideas more easily.


ps you got a 6